3/10/2021 – Affiliate Partnership with Spur Experiences, Bed Bath & Beyond & the Knot
Today we formed an affiliate partnership with Spur Experiences. Spur Experiences is a platform for fun activieties. These activities are displayed on bridal registries at Bed Bath & Beyond and the Knot will be available for Brides and Grooms to select for their registries. Customer will receive a voucher and should be able to book directly through our website with a provided promotion code they will get with their vouhcer. We will be offering our most popular escape rooms experiences as well as our experiences from A Murder Mystery Dinner.
2/28/2021 – WHEN I WORK
When I Work will not allow anyone to clock in more than 5 minutes prior to the start of your shift. This is by design and a setting we have in place within When I work. Please work your schedule as it is written. Your manager shouldnot ask you to clock in early unless they have updated your schedule to reflect this time change.
2/28/2021 – Company Dashboard
A New company dashboard has been put into place. This will replace the book marks in chrome. This is being done in an effort to condense platforms as we plan to expand our company this year. This will allow for a more organized platform across our brands and an easy accesspoint for systems and information. Feel free to explore, but do not access any systems you are unsure of. This dashobard is still evolving. If you have any suggestions for this dashboard please contact your manager.
2/28/2021 – WHEN I WORK
If your phone will not let you clock in due to a GPS issue, you may locate the Time Clock app on your locations Game Master iPad to clock in.